Yellow Parrot

Yellow Parrot Instructions
Stir with ice in a mixing glass. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
Best served in a Cocktail Glass.
Drink Recipes made with the Ingredients Above
B&B Italian Stinger Angel's Wing Between The Sheets Grand Marnier Gluhwein Angel Face Witch's Brew Combustible Edison Bentley Yellow Parrot Brandied Madeira Japanese Cocktail Bosom Caresser Happy Honey Cocktail Club Cocktail Metropolitan Widow's Kiss Alize Cocktail Amaretto Shake Moonlight Stirrup Cup American Beauty Ante Apollo 1 April Shower B & P Bacchus Baltimore Bracer Bee Stinger Bengal Bermuda Rose Betsy Ross Black and Fall Black Baltimore Black Feather Black Pagoda Block and Fall Blue Edisonian Bombay Cocktail Brandy Blazer Brandy Cocktail Brandy Smash Brandy Stinger Brandy Vermouth Cocktail Button Hook Cocktail Cape Snow Carrol Cocktail Champs Elysees Cocktail Charles Cocktail
B&B Italian Stinger Angel's Wing Between The Sheets Grand Marnier Gluhwein Angel Face Witch's Brew Combustible Edison Bentley Yellow Parrot Brandied Madeira Japanese Cocktail Bosom Caresser Happy Honey Cocktail Club Cocktail Metropolitan Widow's Kiss Alize Cocktail Amaretto Shake Moonlight Stirrup Cup American Beauty Ante Apollo 1 April Shower B & P Bacchus Baltimore Bracer Bee Stinger Bengal Bermuda Rose Betsy Ross Black and Fall Black Baltimore Black Feather Black Pagoda Block and Fall Blue Edisonian Bombay Cocktail Brandy Blazer Brandy Cocktail Brandy Smash Brandy Stinger Brandy Vermouth Cocktail Button Hook Cocktail Cape Snow Carrol Cocktail Champs Elysees Cocktail Charles Cocktail
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