Tango Martini Cocktail

Tango Martini Cocktail recipe

Tango Martini Cocktail Ingredients

Tango Martini Cocktail Instructions

The Tango Martini Cocktail is a vibrant and refreshing drink that is perfect for any occasion. With its beautiful red color and tangy flavor, it is sure to be a hit at your next gathering. The cocktail combines the flavors of gin, lime juice, and cranberry juice to create a drink that is both sweet and tart.

To make the Tango Martini Cocktail, you will need a cocktail shaker and a martini glass. Start by filling the cocktail shaker with ice. Add 2 parts gin, 1 part lime juice, and 1 part cranberry juice to the shaker. Shake the mixture vigorously for about 15 seconds to combine the ingredients and chill the drink.

Once the cocktail is well chilled, strain it into a martini glass. You can garnish the drink with a lime wedge or a cranberry if desired. Serve the Tango Martini Cocktail immediately and enjoy!

The Tango Martini Cocktail is a delicious and refreshing drink that is easy to make. With its vibrant red color and tangy flavor, it is sure to be a favorite among your friends and family. Serve it at your next party or enjoy it on a hot summer day. Cheers!

Best served in a Cocktail Glass.