Dudi Drop

Dudi Drop Instructions
Using a knife or equivalent, cut the center out of a strawberry. It should resemble a shot glass in some way. The closer you get to the edge of the strawberry the better, but try not to cut all the way through the strawberry. If you're upto carving more than one, then do that now.
Best served in a Beer Mug.
Drink Recipes made with the Ingredients Above
Washington Apple Shot Pineapple Upside Down Lunchbox Classic Oatmeal Cookie Dr. Pepper Flame Black Forest Cake Green Hulk Tequila Pop Black and White Shot Crown and Choke Dead Man Walking Blond Headed Slut 252 Flaming Orgasm Panty Dropper Jag and Red Nate's Jello Shots Pinesol Crossbones Squish Frog 18 Till You Die Dragon's Fire Jello Shots Polish Butterfly Fatass Anaconda Shot Alpha Gamma Rho Panty Dropper Cluster F@#K Golden Goose 5 Best Friends Anabolic Steroid Red Headed Leg Spreader Bull Blaster Squirting Orgasm Tequila Boom Ass Bang em' Back Sweaty Shooter Jam Donut Skip Morrison Fisherman's Friend Kryptonite Tuaca Lemon Drop Kalashnikov Shot Mad Dog Shot Rocky Point Bomber Blonde Headed Slut Captain on Acid White Cotton Panties Minty Nipples Flaming Bob Marley
Washington Apple Shot Pineapple Upside Down Lunchbox Classic Oatmeal Cookie Dr. Pepper Flame Black Forest Cake Green Hulk Tequila Pop Black and White Shot Crown and Choke Dead Man Walking Blond Headed Slut 252 Flaming Orgasm Panty Dropper Jag and Red Nate's Jello Shots Pinesol Crossbones Squish Frog 18 Till You Die Dragon's Fire Jello Shots Polish Butterfly Fatass Anaconda Shot Alpha Gamma Rho Panty Dropper Cluster F@#K Golden Goose 5 Best Friends Anabolic Steroid Red Headed Leg Spreader Bull Blaster Squirting Orgasm Tequila Boom Ass Bang em' Back Sweaty Shooter Jam Donut Skip Morrison Fisherman's Friend Kryptonite Tuaca Lemon Drop Kalashnikov Shot Mad Dog Shot Rocky Point Bomber Blonde Headed Slut Captain on Acid White Cotton Panties Minty Nipples Flaming Bob Marley
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