Chocolate is produced from beans grown on the South American tree (Theobroma cacao). The trees bear fruit after five years of growth. This fruit is similar in size and shape to a rugby ball. Depending upon cocoa type, this fruit can be yellow, orange-like or brown. Inside this fruit the cocoa beans can be found, usually 30-40 in each fruit. With these is a sticky, sweet substance called a pulp. This is used to bring about the characteristic colour and taste to the beans.You have no Bar set up yet.
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See all our Chocolate Drinks, Chocolate Extract Drinks, or just Extract Drinks
Drinks with Chocolate
Alhambra Royale
Almond Hot Chocolate
Bedroom Farce
Big Hug
Black Berry Chocolate
Black Haus Chimney
Cabin Fever
Choco Colada
Chocolate Corvette
Chocolate Drink
Chocolate Shock
Chocolate Vice
Coco Choco
Dreamy Chocolate Winter
Dreamy Winter
Dreamy Winter Delight
Dreamy Winter Night
Dressed Up Like A Dogs Dinner
Dressed Up Pina Colada
Drinking Chocolate
Dutch Velvet
Frangelico and Chocolate
Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookie
Global Warming
Godiva Peppermint Patty
Hershey Squirts
Hot Butterscotch Cocoa
Hot Chocolate Almond
Hot Chocolate To Die For
Alhambra Royale
Almond Hot Chocolate
Bedroom Farce
Big Hug
Black Berry Chocolate
Black Haus Chimney
Cabin Fever
Choco Colada
Chocolate Corvette
Chocolate Drink
Chocolate Shock
Chocolate Vice
Coco Choco
Dreamy Chocolate Winter
Dreamy Winter
Dreamy Winter Delight
Dreamy Winter Night
Dressed Up Like A Dogs Dinner
Dressed Up Pina Colada
Drinking Chocolate
Dutch Velvet
Frangelico and Chocolate
Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookie
Global Warming
Godiva Peppermint Patty
Hershey Squirts
Hot Butterscotch Cocoa
Hot Chocolate Almond
Hot Chocolate To Die For