Buffalo Sweat

Buffalo Sweat Instructions
Pour 151 proof rum and tabasco sauce into a stainless shaker over ice, shake until completely cold and strain into an old-fashioned glass. Pour a 1/4 cup of orange juice over the bar, clean up with the bar rag then squeeze 1 oz. out of bar rag into the drink.
Best served in a Beer Mug.
Drink Recipes made with the Ingredients Above
Liquid Cocaine Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Satan's Piss Duck's Ass Vulcan Mind Probe Fire in Heaven Afterburner Firestorm Terminator Brain Destroyer Sparkplug Buffalo Sweat Green Spider Napalm BearCat Special Bleacher Creature Bonfire Boston Burn Out Branded Nipple Cement Kicker Closed Casket Concorde Dragon's Breath Fireball Shooter FU2 Keremiki Kool First Aid Leatherneck Lighthouse Screaming Dead Nazi Ship's Cat Southern Bound Meteor Stabilizer Stormcloud The Other Half Thorazine Thunder And Lighting Vulcan Mind Meld
Liquid Cocaine Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Satan's Piss Duck's Ass Vulcan Mind Probe Fire in Heaven Afterburner Firestorm Terminator Brain Destroyer Sparkplug Buffalo Sweat Green Spider Napalm BearCat Special Bleacher Creature Bonfire Boston Burn Out Branded Nipple Cement Kicker Closed Casket Concorde Dragon's Breath Fireball Shooter FU2 Keremiki Kool First Aid Leatherneck Lighthouse Screaming Dead Nazi Ship's Cat Southern Bound Meteor Stabilizer Stormcloud The Other Half Thorazine Thunder And Lighting Vulcan Mind Meld