Blue Thrill

Blue Thrill Instructions
Fill one shot glass with the Blue Curacao. Fill another shot glass with the lemon juice, and serve. To drink, first put lemon shot in mouth, then put curacao shot in mouth, swish around then swallow. Remember, yellow before blue!!
Best served in a Shot Glass.
Drink Recipes made with the Ingredients Above
Oatmeal Cookie Toronto Maple Leafs Barney on Acid Blue Thrill Shake That Ass Smurf Piss Baby Aspirin Hologram Hiroshima Bomber Blue Bomber Brass Balls Cockteaser Hakkespett Undertow Warm and Fuzzy
Oatmeal Cookie Toronto Maple Leafs Barney on Acid Blue Thrill Shake That Ass Smurf Piss Baby Aspirin Hologram Hiroshima Bomber Blue Bomber Brass Balls Cockteaser Hakkespett Undertow Warm and Fuzzy
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