cinzano wine Recipes

Liquor Brands > Wine > Cinzano Wine Recipes

Shiny Nail Drink Recipe
 1 oz  Cinzano Orancio
 1 oz  Cointreau


The Shiny Nail is a classic cocktail that combines the rich, smoky f...

Red Orange Drink Recipe
 3/4 oz  Oranges
 3 oz  Vodka
 1 oz  Cinzano Orancio


Looking for a refreshing and tangy cocktail to enjoy? Look no further than the...

Orancio Royal Drink Recipe
 2 cl  Cinzano Orancio


The Orancio Royal cocktail is a delicious and refreshing drink that is perfect for a...

Orange Kiss Drink Recipe
 4 cl  Cinzano Orancio
 4 cl  Vodka
 6 cl  Sprite


The Orange Kiss cocktail is a refreshing and tangy drink that is per...

Tropical Heat Drink Recipe
 1 dash  Coconut Rum
 2 cl  Gin
 2 cl  Cinzano Orancio

Mix with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a orange spiral....