Sweet and Sour Mix
Sweet and Sour Mix is a mixer made of lemon or lime juice and sugar syrup. It is an important part of many cocktails. To make your own, mix one part heavy sugar syrup (3 parts sugar, 2 parts water) with one part lemon juice, and add 2 egg whites per liter of mix. The egg whites are optional, but will make the drinks slightly foamy. You may want to adjust the sugar/juice ratio to give the mix the right balance of sweetness and tartness.You have no Bar set up yet.
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Sour Mix
Drinks with Sweet and Sour Mix
57 T bird With Los Cabos Licen...
A Fuzzy Thing
A Piece of Ass
Absolut Dream
Absolut Lemonade
Absolut Summertime
Adios Mother
Alabama Slammer
Alaskan Iced Tea
Alien Urine
Alien Urine Sample
All Night Long
Alligator Piss
Amaretto Cherry Sour
Amaretto Sour
Amaretto Stone Sour
Amaretto Sweet & Sour
Amber Amour
American Pie
Anton's Ecto Cooler
Apple Jack (Original)
Apple Jolly Rancher
Apple Martini I
Apple Orgasm
Apple Sauce
Apricot Jack
Arizona Anti Freeze
Around The World
Aruba Rum Punch
Atlantic Sun
57 T bird With Los Cabos Licen...
A Fuzzy Thing
A Piece of Ass
Absolut Dream
Absolut Lemonade
Absolut Summertime
Adios Mother
Alabama Slammer
Alaskan Iced Tea
Alien Urine
Alien Urine Sample
All Night Long
Alligator Piss
Amaretto Cherry Sour
Amaretto Sour
Amaretto Stone Sour
Amaretto Sweet & Sour
Amber Amour
American Pie
Anton's Ecto Cooler
Apple Jack (Original)
Apple Jolly Rancher
Apple Martini I
Apple Orgasm
Apple Sauce
Apricot Jack
Arizona Anti Freeze
Around The World
Aruba Rum Punch
Atlantic Sun