black schnapps Recipes

Liquor Brands > Schnapps > Black Schnapps Recipes

Black Haus Chimney Drink Recipe
 5 oz Hot Chocolate
 1/2 oz  Spiced Rum
 1/2 oz fresh Whipping Cream
 1 1/2 oz  Black Haus


Black Haus Chimney: A Dark and Delicious Cocktail


A Very Berry Surprise Drink Recipe
 2 oz  Cream Liqueur
 1/2 oz  Blackberry Schnapps
 1 oz  Raspberry Schnapps
 1/2 oz  Black Haus
 3 cubes  Ice
 1 oz  Black Cherry Ice Cream


A Very Berry Surprise - A Refreshing and Tangy Cocktail


Haus Mix Drink Recipe
 1 oz  Vodka
 2 oz  Cranberry Juice
 1 oz  Black Haus


Haus Mix Cocktail Recipe

If you're looking for a refreshing and easy-t...

Black Haus Mitten Drink Recipe
 1/2 oz  Whipping Cream
 5 oz hot Coffee
 1 oz  Black Haus
 1 oz  Goldschlager

Combine Black Haus blackberry schnapps and GoldSchlager in a glass mug. Stir, top with hot coffee an...

Darkness Drink Recipe
 1 oz chilled Black Haus
 1 oz chilled Goldschlager
 1 oz chilled Vodka
 3 cubes Cubed Ice
 1 oz chilled Jagermeister
 1 oz chilled Rumple Minze
 1 oz chilled Southern Comfort
 2 oz chilled Energy Drink

Stir. Serve. Protect your face from hitting the floor....

Beach Haus Drink Recipe
 1 oz  Black Haus
 1 oz  Spiced Rum
 2 oz  Pineapple Juice


Beach Haus is a refreshing cocktail that is p...

A Very Berry Surprise Drink Recipe
 1/2 oz  Black Haus
 1/2 oz  Blackberry Schnapps
 3 cubes  Ice
 2 oz  Cream Liqueur
 1 oz  Raspberry Schnapps
 1 oz  Black Cherry Ice Cream


A Very Berry Surprise - A Refreshing and Tangy Cocktail


Club Haus Drink Recipe
 1 oz  Black Haus
 5 oz  Club Soda


The Club Haus cocktail is a refreshing drink perfect for any occasion. Whether you’r...

Blackberry Buzzsaw Drink Recipe
 2 parts Coca Cola
 2 parts Sprite
 2 parts Blackberry Schnapps

Add all ingredients to glass and emjoy!...

Black Haus Warmer Drink Recipe
 1 oz  Black Haus
 5 oz  Coffee
 1 oz  Irish Cream
 1/2 oz  Whipping Cream

Pour Black Haus blackberry schnapps and Bailey's irish cream into a mug. Add coffee, and top whipped...