sprite mixer Recipes

Liquor Brands > Mixer > Sprite Mixer Recipes

Hoo Doo Drink Recipe
 1/2 oz  Lime Juice
 1 oz  Southern Comfort
 1 oz  Vodka
 1/2 oz  Orange Juice
 1 splash  Sprite
 1 splash  Peppermint Schnapps


Looking for a unique and flavorful cocktail to impress your guests at your nex...

Funky Garlic Drink Recipe
 4 oz  White Wine
 4 oz  Sprite
 4 oz  Coca Cola


The Funky Garlic cocktail is a unique mix of flavors that will leave your taste buds be...

Smurf Punch Drink Recipe
 3 cubes  Ice
 1/2 cup  Maui Blue Hawaiian Schnapps
 1/2 cup  Sprite

Put ice in cup and fill it half full with sprite. Add maui filling the glass. Stir....

Albysjon Drink Recipe
 1/2 oz  Kiwi Juice
 1 oz  Lemon Lime Soda
 2 oz  Vodka
 1/2 oz  Sprite


Albysjon is a refreshing and vibrant cocktail that is perfec...

The Admiral's Passion Drink Recipe
 1 part  Passoa
 1 part  Sprite
 1 part  Orange Juice
 3 cubes  Ice


The Admiral's Passion is a delightful an...

The Betty Ford Drink Recipe
 1/2 oz  Grenadine
 1 1/2 oz  Citrus Vodka
 10 oz  Sprite


The Betty Ford is...

Ladies Night Drink Recipe
 1 oz Peach Schnapps
 1 oz Cranberry Juice
 2 oz Orange Juice
 1 oz Sprite

Put all 4 ingredients into the cocktail glass combined with ice and 2 cherries....

Blue Kisok Drink Recipe
 Fill to Top Sprite
 1 tbsp  Lime Juice
 1/2 oz  Blue Curacao
 1/4 oz  Vodka

Pour an half ounce of Blue Curacao into shot glass. Follow with quarter of an ounce of Vodka. (Try a...

Jack Leg Drink Recipe
 3 oz  Bourbon
 1 splash  Sprite
 5 oz  Pineapple Juice
 1 1/2 oz  Amaretto


The Jack Leg Cocktail Recipe

The Jack Leg cocktail is a refreshing and delicio...

Cracked Chandelier Drink Recipe
 4 oz  Sprite
 1 1/2 oz  White Rum
 1 1/2 oz  Sambuca

Cracked Chandelier: A Delightful Cocktail Recipe for a Sophisticated Evening Indulge in the luxurio...