pineapple soda mixer Recipes

Liquor Brands > Mixer > Pineapple Soda Mixer Recipes

Tropical Kermit Piss Drink Recipe
 15 ml  Coconut Rum
 30 ml  Cointreau
 30 ml  Midori Melon Liqueur
 Fill to Top Pineapple Soda

Just pour into a glass and add the softdrink and ice....

Pina Colada Punch Drink Recipe
 1 tbsp  Coconut Syrup
 1 pint  Vanilla Ice Cream
 1 tbsp  Cinnamon
 46 oz chilled Pineapple Juice
 15 oz  Coconut Cream
 2 liters chilled Pineapple Soda

1. Blend pineapple juice, coconut syrup, coconut cream and cinnamon in a blender until creamy. Place...