orange mixer Recipes

Liquor Brands > Mixer > Orange Mixer Recipes

Mandarin Crush Drink Recipe
 1 oz  Orange Vodka
  Orange Soda


The Mandarin Crush is a delightful cocktail that combines the refreshing taste of mandari...

Absinthe Suissesse Drink Recipe
 3 drops  Anisette
 1  Egg White
 3 drops  Orange Flower Water
 1 1/2 oz  Absinthe
 1 tsp  Creme de Menthe


The Absinthe Suissesse is a refreshing and unique cocktail that originated in New Or...

Oscar Cocktail Drink Recipe
 3/4 oz  Cherry Brandy
 1 oz  Vodka
 1 oz  Pineapple Juice
 1 oz  Gin
 1 oz  Orange Soda
 1 dash  Grenadine


The Oscar Cocktail is a classic cocktail that is perfect for any special occasion. It is a sophis...

Ramos Fizz Drink Recipe
 2 tbsp  Cream
 1/2 oz fresh Lemon Juice
 1/2 oz fresh Lime Juice
 1/4 oz  Club Soda
 1 1/2 oz  Gin
 1  Egg White
 3 drops  Orange Flower Water
 1 tbsp  Powdered Sugar


The Ramos Fizz is a classic cocktail that originated in New Orleans in ...

Ooo Drink Recipe
 1 part  Orange Soda
 1 part  Orange Vodka
 1 part  Orange Juice


The Ooo cocktail is a delicious and refreshing dri...

Sweetart Drink Recipe
 1 packet  Grape Kool Aid
 8 oz  Everclear
 2 liter  Orange Soda
 1 packet  Cherry Kool Aid

Sunkist works best; Pour 1 cup (8 oz) of Sunkist out of the bottle. Add 1 cup (8 oz) of Everclear ...

Old Sunkist Drink Recipe
 3 oz  Bourbon
 10 oz  Orange Soda


The Old Sunkist cocktail is a refreshing and citrusy drink that is perfect for those h...

Bacardi O Creamsicle Drink Recipe
 2 oz  Orange Soda
 2 oz  Bacardi O
 1 oz  Vanilla Rum

Pour all three ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain int...

Log Cabin Drink Recipe
 2 oz  Canadian Whiskey
 1 tbsp  Cream
 1 tbsp  Orange Juice
  Orange Soda


The Log Cabin cocktail is a delightful...

Bite Me Drink Recipe
 1 oz  Rum
 1 oz  Beer
 1 oz  Orange Soda


Feeling a bit adventurous? Then this cockta...