monster mixer Recipes

Liquor Brands > Mixer > Monster Mixer Recipes

Jack Sparrow Drink Recipe
 1 oz  Captain Morgan Spiced Rum
 4 oz  Monster energy drink

Drop shot of Captain Morgan into a small glass filled with Monster Khaos. It is good with regular M...

Monster Screw Drink Recipe
 2 oz Monster energy drink
 oz Fill to Top Orange Juice
 2 oz Vodka

preferably the Green monster.

the better quality vodka the better taste....

Ehbc: Edwin Hernandez's Blu crush Drink Recipe
 80 oz  Monster energy drink
 80 oz  Hpnotiq Liqueur

EHBC: " Edwin Hernandez's Blu-Crush" Its' a mix of both Hpnotiq and Monster Energy....Great Combo. S...

Green Monster Twist Drink Recipe
 1/2 oz  Monster energy drink
 1/2 oz  Smirnoff Vodka

Combine green monster and Smirnoff Green Apple Vodka into a cup. Stir and enjoy. Best served chi...

Bernstein Naylor Drink Recipe
 1 shot ice cold Jagermeister
 1 large cans Monster energy drink

Pour Monster in large glass and drop the Jager in ice cold....

Apollo Drink Recipe
 3 1/2 oz Hpnotiq
 1 oz Gold Rum
 1/2 can Monster energy drink
 3 oz Bacardi Breezer Orange

Pour the Bacardi and Gold Rum into a martini shaker with ice. Mix and when finished, place in glass ...

Absolute Monster Drink Recipe
 4 oz  Monster energy drink
 4 cubes  Ice
 4 oz  Seagram's Vanilla Vodka


The Absolute Monster cocktail is a dangerously delicious creation that will leave yo...

White Trash Piss Test Drink Recipe
 1 shot ice cold Jagermeister
 8 oz Cold Monster energy drink

Pour Monster into a 16 oz glass and pour Jager into a shot glass then drop Jager into Monster and wa...

M n m Drink Recipe
 8 oz  Captain Morgan Spiced Rum
 24 oz  Monster energy drink

mix the two together...

Monster Slam Drink Recipe
 4 oz chilled Watermelon Schnapps
 8 oz chilled Monster energy drink

Mix ingredients (chilled)
Add ice if desired...