grapefruit soda mixer Recipes

Liquor Brands > Mixer > Grapefruit Soda Mixer Recipes

Grapefruit Splash Drink Recipe
 3 oz  Grapefruit Soda
 1 oz  Vodka


The Grapefruit Splash is a refreshing cockt...

Kix76 Drink Recipe
 4 parts Grapefruit Soda
 1 part Dark Rum

Use Captain Morgan's Tattoo Rum (with its wonderful array of spices) to complement the grapefruit so...

Herradura Paloma Drink Recipe
 2 oz Herradura Tequila
 1 oz Lemon Juice
 pinch Salt
 5 oz Grapefruit Soda

In a big ball glass put the ice and Tequila Herradura. Add salt, lemon juice and grapefruit soda....