Night Of The Drinking Dead Drinking Game

This is best done on a long night when you have all three Living Dead movies (Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and Day of the Dead). The premise is fairly simple. You have to watch for certain things, and when a person calls it out, everyone else takes a drink. Needless to say, once you start losing, you're probably gonna keep losing. The things to watch for are:

- Special Zombies (These would be the football player or nurse zombies in Dawn, the naked zombie in Night, or also zombies of important characters)
- Humans fighting Humans (Anytime a non-zombie character gets in a physical confrontation with another non-zombie; this one's a killer in Dawn and Day)
- Human loses a weapon (Pretty self-explanatory)
- Fire is used to frighten/hurt a zombie
- Human gets bitten
- Every time someone in the movie drinks (Anything, not just liquor)
- Any time a character in the movie smokes (This one is *really* a killer in Dawn)
- Anytime a zombie is killed without a gun

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