Matchbox Twist Drinking Game

1. If the box lands flat it is the next person's turn.
2. If the box lands on it's side (a little skill required) the next player must drink 2 shots.
3. if the box lands on it's end (alot of skill required, particularly hard to master arter about one hour) the next player must drink 4 shots.
4. If the matchbox lands off the table you must drink 1 shot
5. If the matckbox lands in your drink you must skull the rest of your drink.

The twist... if you are good at tossing you can pass you shots onto the next player! How? by tossing the box on its side or end after the last players turn (ex. first player tosses the box on its side = 2 shots to the next player, next player tosses the box, if it lands flat = drink the 2 shots but if it lands on its side or end the third person is up for 4 shots).

The number of shots one person has had to endure is 14 so be nice... it could be you!

This game is best played at the start of the night or you won't last long!

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