Shuffle a full deck of cards and scatter them in a pile in the middle of your table. One player goes at a time picking one card. They flip over their card, displaying it to everyone. Each card has a different rule as follows:
- Ace - Take one drink
- 2 - Take Two
- 3 - Take Three
- 4 - Questions: You look at the person of your choice and ask them a question, they must answer your question with a question and it keeps going until someone screws up. Ex. What is going on? Why do you touch yourself? You don't have to question the person who questioned you either. Make sure to make eye contact.
- 5 - Give five drinks
More Drinking Games
- Ace - Take one drink
- 2 - Take Two
- 3 - Take Three
- 4 - Questions: You look at the person of your choice and ask them a question, they must answer your question with a question and it keeps going until someone screws up. Ex. What is going on? Why do you touch yourself? You don't have to question the person who questioned you either. Make sure to make eye contact.
- 5 - Give five drinks
More Drinking Games