Brighton Punch

Brighton Punch recipe

Brighton Punch Ingredients

Brighton Punch Instructions

Looking for a refreshing and fruity cocktail to beat the summer heat? Look no further than the Brighton Punch! This delightful drink combines the sweetness of fruit juices with the kick of rum to create a flavor explosion in every sip. Whether you're hosting a party or simply want to relax with a delicious drink, the Brighton Punch is sure to impress.

To make the Brighton Punch, start by gathering all the necessary ingredients. You'll need a variety of fruit juices such as orange juice, pineapple juice, and cranberry juice. These juices will provide the base for the cocktail, giving it a sweet and tangy flavor. Additionally, you'll need a generous amount of rum to give the punch its signature kick.

Once you have all the ingredients ready, it's time to start mixing. In a large pitcher, combine the fruit juices and rum. Stir well to ensure all the flavors are evenly distributed. You can adjust the ratio of juices to suit your taste preferences. If you prefer a sweeter punch, add more orange juice. If you prefer a more tart punch, add more cranberry juice.

Once everything is well mixed, it's time to serve your Brighton Punch. Fill up a glass with ice and pour the punch over it. Garnish with a slice of orange or a cherry for an extra decorative touch. Sit back, relax, and savor the refreshing flavors of this delicious cocktail.

The Brighton Punch is perfect for any occasion, whether it's a summer BBQ, a poolside gathering, or a casual night at home. Its fruity flavors and tropical vibes will transport you to a sunny beach in no time. So why not give this recipe a try? Your taste buds will thank you!

Best served in a Collins Glass.