German Band

German Band recipe

German Band Ingredients

German Band Instructions

German Band Cocktail Recipe

Looking for a refreshing and unique cocktail to try? Look no further than the German Band cocktail. With a blend of fruity flavors and a hint of spice, this drink is sure to impress your taste buds.

To make the German Band cocktail, you'll need a few key ingredients and a shaker. Start by muddling fresh strawberries and basil leaves in the shaker. This will release their flavors and create a delicious base for the cocktail.

Next, add a splash of lime juice and a generous pour of elderberry liqueur. This adds a tangy and sweet flavor to the mix. Give the shaker a good shake to combine all the ingredients together.

Once the ingredients are well mixed, strain the cocktail into a glass filled with ice. This will ensure a smooth and chilled drink. Garnish with a strawberry slice and a fresh basil leaf for an extra touch of elegance.

The German Band cocktail is perfect for sipping on a warm summer afternoon or enjoying at a cocktail party. Its unique combination of flavors will have your guests asking for the recipe. So why not give it a try and impress your friends with this delicious and refreshing cocktail?

Best served in a Cocktail Glass.